Oct 21, 2011

One shot music video

I was amazed at the mastery of the camera guys who shot these videos and did not pause the camera for the whole duration of the intricate performance:

Benjamin Biolay - La Superbe

The movement here although confined to the area of a warehouse is very dynamic and engages the whole space and even outsides. Actors separate at some points, and the camera has to make a decision on whom to follow. I love how few times the columns obscure the view. Camera's constant move around the actors and through the space conveys a sense of nervousness, instability, dizziness, and recreates a changing fragile world of emotions. Note: at one point He moves away from Her. The camera follows the man, lets Him get ahead, so we see his back and shoulders, and then catches up and circles Him in such a way that She being left behind on the floor is again in the shot. The ending starting at 5:50 is 'superbe'. It is a pleasure to observe the whole range of camera moves.

Watch XELLE: PARTY GIRL Official Music Video by XELLE

In this video, in the confined space of a train the singers pop into the camera and move to the background. First shot starts with a detail coming into focus, then camera swiches to another detail. The sequences are very smooth with no awkward pauses or interruptions. The camera is constantly moving back and forth approaching singers or making more space for others to come into shot. At times there are 10 or more people in the shot, at times one ot three, it is amazing how smoothly the scene changes right in front of our eyes. I guess, the whole thing was rehearsed many many times. It looks like the train was moving, which only adds to the great vibrant performance. Great one take vid.

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