Dec 29, 2011

Lee Groban

Could not miss posting about such a great artist and musician, Lee Groban (1947-2011)

A Cure for Insomnia
"The Cure for Insomnia, directed by John Henry Timmis IV, was officially the world's longest movie, according to Guinness World Records, as of its release in 1987. Running 5,220 minutes (87 hours, or 3 days and 15 hours) in length, the movie has no plot, instead consisting of artist L. D. Groban reading his 4,080-page poem "A Cure for Insomnia" over the course of three and a half days, spliced with occasional clips from heavy metal and pornographic videos.

It was first played in its entirety at The School of the Art Institute in Chicago, Illinois, from January 31 to February 3, 1987, in one continuous showing. It was never released to the public, but had it been made available on DVD, it would have been about 22 discs." (from Lee Groban's website)

Nov 8, 2011

!!!Colors Lines and Shapes

The Colour Experiment: SENSORIUM

Norman McLaren - Dots (1940)

Norman McLaren || Lignes verticales | Lines vertical

Norman McLaren - A Phantasy in Colors

this is just purely awesome, so psychedelic, graphic, enigmatic, and engaging, want to watch it over and over again, great example of painted art film.

Norman McLaren Blinkity Blank

Len Lye - Swinging the Lambeth Walk

Noman McLaren - Spheres

Norman McLaren - Boogie Doodle

Color Animation Experiment by Jimmy Edgar

Spectrum 3


"Early Abstractions" (1946-57), Pt. 3

Color Bars

Lyda Borelli - Malombra (1917)

Gertie the Dinosaur, 1914
Fantasmagorie, 1908
Betty Boop in Snow White, 1933

Norman McLaren

Great articles on films

Cine Meccanica

Criterion Collection

Nov 5, 2011


Lambent Foundation Fund of Tides Foundation
The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts
Sharjah Art Foundation
National Endowment for the Arts
The David and Elaine Potter Foundation
Outset Contemporary Art Fund
Depart Foundation for the Discussion Exhibition and Production of Art
New York City Department of Cultural Affairs
New York State Council on the Arts
Consulate General of Denmark in New York
The Dedalus Foundation
The Gilbert MacKay Foundation;
SAHA - Contemporary Art Initiative
Dorothea Leonhardt Fund, Communities Foundation of Texas
Foundation for Contemporary Arts
Office of Cultural Affairs
Helena Rubinstein Foundation
The Performa presents: Advanced Style

The first great film i saw at BMW Guggenheim Lab at the opening:

Blank City - Trailer

Jim Jarmusch, Debbie Harry, Steve Buscemi, John Waters, John Lurie, Fab 5 Freddy, Thurston Moore, Richard Kern, Lydia Lunch, Amos Poe, Eric Mitchel, James Nares, Ann Magnuson, James Chance

Trailer Nick Zedd

Oct 24, 2011

Etsy channel on vimeo

Process: Plastinates

Artist Statement (draft, nevermind)

DY Artist Statement

My art explores the intersection of video and poetry. I use video as means of self-expression and a tool for learning and discovering the world around me. I craft visual poetical images with the help of elaborate editing technique, sound design, accentuated color palette and contrast.

I have always loved poetry and am myself a poet. My immigration to a foreign country deprived me of an ability to clearly express myself with the means of language and poetry: few people can master foreign language as well as native. I started to look for other means of expression and found them in video and sound design. While studying at Hunter College, NYC, I was a student of such great professors and filmmakers as Kelly Anderson, Tami Gold, and Michael Gitlin. I started as a documentary filmmaker and made a short about Doctors Without Borders, The Road Taken (2006), but later switched to experimental video (The Pool of Fire (2008), Marina(2009)). Experimenting with video and editing gave me a new means for self-expression and provided with better understanding of people and reality. My documentaries project fascination with noble goals and great personalities like the doctors who work overseas in areas of war and natural disaster and help communities in need, while my experimental videos are more introverted and meditative and explore the relations between personality and the outside world.

For the current collaborative project, we have teamed up with independent artist and New Yorker Armand A.Ruhlman. This joint project, Video Poetry in New York, is a series of video-poems made in New York and expressing ‘New-York state of mind’. It encompasses the beauty of New York parks and sea beaches, the energy of the protestors on Wall Street, which is a great part of today’s New York, the emotional struggle of immigrants, and my personal contemplations.

Dariya Yalova’s video channel -
Armand A. Ruhlman’s video channel -
Video Poetry in New York – blog or video channel on vimeo

How to Write an Artist Statement's_statement

Filmmaker Statement

Oct 22, 2011

Getting funding for independent film project

Trying to outline a huge work that i'll be doing next few months:

1. Artist statement, press release, portfolio, bio, resume, future goals.
2. List of organizations to apply for grant.
3. Group of independent artists applying to grant - collective statement, description of the collaborative project, other people involved, ....what else?

Independent Film Funding

here folks actually provide list of sponsoring organizations

Open Flix

Great collection of free online fims

OpenFlix offers gems like

Battleship Potemkin

Night Of The Living Dead

Triumph Of The Will

Berlin: Symphony of a Great City

Nanook of the North, Man with a Movie Camera, and lots lots of others. Great resource.

Walter Ruttmann

Just discovered great German filmmaker - Walter Ruttmann. His first abstract short films, "Opus I" (1921) and "Opus II" (1923), were experiments with new forms of film expression, and the influence of these early abstract films can be seen in the early work of Oskar Fischinger. Ruttmann and his colleagues of the avant garde movement enriched the language of film as a medium with new form techniques.

Together with Erwin Piscator, Ruttmann worked on the experimental film Melodie der Welt (1929), though he is best remembered for Berlin: Die Sinfonie der Großstadt (Berlin: Symphony of a Great City, 1927).

During the Nazi period he worked as an assistant to director Leni Riefenstahl on Triumph of the Will (1935). He died in Berlin.

See also Oskar Fischinger.

Opus II (1924)

Opus III (1924)

Berlin: Symphony of a Great City

Oct 21, 2011

New finds: art films

poetry visualized -
art video -
my fav gallery -
and kitchen -

may be:

And a few mysterious spot-light-shape videos

Coph Nia - That Which Remains

Hanns Eisler - Passcaglia - Opus III (1924)

more Ruttmann's rhythmic enchanting videos here:
and another version

Video poetry

Recently found two gems - would love to do something similar:

Garden Party

Inside Outside

by Armand A. Ruhlman. The wispers, echo and fast cuts, jump cuts are sooooooo captivating. My bf is asking me to play this video over and over again.

Four Screen video

For a few years now I have been collecting videos of nature with some subtle movements like squeaking of a boat, a 'caution' tape waving in the wind, moving grass, clouds, shadows, waves...
Below are some drafts and the first version of the 4 screen video:

the sky
fallen leafs after the hurricane Irene
sunset on 47th st
the tape

Some cool nature videos from youtube:

-those are videos not animated stills

gosh, those videos are so beautiful, esp. Öröm - Csöndben. I would like to use it as my inspiration. Where did they find or how did they make this cool antigue looking footage? Real treasure.

One shot music video

I was amazed at the mastery of the camera guys who shot these videos and did not pause the camera for the whole duration of the intricate performance:

Benjamin Biolay - La Superbe

The movement here although confined to the area of a warehouse is very dynamic and engages the whole space and even outsides. Actors separate at some points, and the camera has to make a decision on whom to follow. I love how few times the columns obscure the view. Camera's constant move around the actors and through the space conveys a sense of nervousness, instability, dizziness, and recreates a changing fragile world of emotions. Note: at one point He moves away from Her. The camera follows the man, lets Him get ahead, so we see his back and shoulders, and then catches up and circles Him in such a way that She being left behind on the floor is again in the shot. The ending starting at 5:50 is 'superbe'. It is a pleasure to observe the whole range of camera moves.

Watch XELLE: PARTY GIRL Official Music Video by XELLE

In this video, in the confined space of a train the singers pop into the camera and move to the background. First shot starts with a detail coming into focus, then camera swiches to another detail. The sequences are very smooth with no awkward pauses or interruptions. The camera is constantly moving back and forth approaching singers or making more space for others to come into shot. At times there are 10 or more people in the shot, at times one ot three, it is amazing how smoothly the scene changes right in front of our eyes. I guess, the whole thing was rehearsed many many times. It looks like the train was moving, which only adds to the great vibrant performance. Great one take vid.