2. Dreams of a Life (IFC)
3. Richard on Leacock (IFC)
4. Acid Eaters
5. The Holy Mountain
6. В одиночку через Тихий Океан
7. Symbol (2010) by Isao Yamada
8. Horror of a Deformed Man or Horrors of Malformed Men by Teruo Ishii
9. Terrifying Girls Highschool-Kyofu joshikoko: Boko rinchi kyoshits (1973)
10. Battle Royale
11. Тайное действо за стенами/Affairs Within Walls(1965) Koji Wakamatsu
12. Trap (French at Moma, 1939)
13. Tetsuo the Iron Man (1989)
14. Love - Zero = Infinity Iyarashii hitozuma: nureru (1994)
15. Funeral Procession of Roses (1969)
16. POV: A Cursed Film (2012, Japan)
17. Street of Shame (1959) by Mizoguchi
18. Sansho the Bailiff (1954) Kenji Mizoguchi
19. Strange Circus/Kimyô na sâkasu (2005)
20. Jiro Dreams of Sushi (IFC)
21. Digital Dharma (IFC)
22. Garden in the Sea (IFC)
23. Fashion Hell
24. Pinocchio 964 (1991)
25. Время Террора (1969) Koji Wakamatsu
26. 12 Monkeys (inspired by La Jetee but so much worse)
27. La Jetee
28. Pelts (horror)
29. The Woman Who Wanted to Die (1970) Koji Wakamatsu
30. Sansho the Bailiff by Kengi Mizoguchi
31. Mr. Thank You (1936) Arigatô-san by Hiroshi Shimizu
32. Street of Shame (1956) Akasen chitai by Kenji Mizoguchi
33. The last man on Earth.
34. Rubbers Lover
See the links http://unseen-cinema.com/
Murakami effect http://musingsofamaiden.blogspot.com/